4105 9887 WHALLEY Boulevard Surrey BC
Here is a link to the property details. If the link doesn’t work, it could mean the property is no longer on the market but please shoot me a text or an email and I will find out as soon as possible!:
Here are the details! It’s important to know that I am not the listing agent for this one. I do these videos to help you see what’s out there. Of course, I would love to help you with this property or any others so be sure to reach out if you have any questions!
Buying, Selling or just curious? I’m always happy to help - Contact me below!
If you would like you property featured please don’t hesitate to reach out!
*It’s important to note all property tour videos are filmed and post with the expressed permission of the listing agent and sellers (through agency) and any views or opinions I share are my own and do not represent the listing agent or their clients. I share only the information provided by the listing*